Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Springtime Pixie Kit

I bought my first kit... from Pixie Dust Paperie. I'm soooo excited... I can't wait to get started on some cards today. Will let you know what I come up with.

All this loveliness for me to play with.


  1. I'd love to play with all that, too! I can't wait to see what lovely creations you make with your pixie kit.

  2. Oh my gosh Linda, I am thrilled to see this post of yours!! You are our very first customer who actually took the picture of all the goodies in the kit and do a big shout out for Pixie, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I am so happy to see that you are pleased with the Pixie Kit!
    Now I can't wait to see your creation with Springtime Pixie!!!!! : )
    Thanks once again, be sure to look out for our challenge on Feb 20 at the Pixie Blog!


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