Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top Three Challenge Winner And A Bo Bunny Gabrielle Mini Album

Thank you Kraft Outlet for
choosing my card as one of the Top Three of the "Celebrations" Challenge. Love your challenges and your Kraft papers!

My first born, daughter Carrie, had a 
birthday last week and I'd like to share some photos of a gift that I created for her using the Bo Bunny Gabrielle chipboard album.

I love making these albums,
but can't figure out have to photograph them to show the detail. I'll work on that...
Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!


  1. GORGEOUS albums, I am working on some right now also but don't compare with yours................

  2. What a gorgeous album ... so many beautiful embellishments there ... it is amazing ... don't worry about the photos ... once I click to enlarge I can see even the tiniest of details ... you put so much work in ... terrific Linda ... your daughter is a very lucky lady!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! You are so talented…this mini is a treasure. Happy birthday to your dd Carrie :)

  4. Congratulations on your Top 3 win at The Kraft Journal, Linda! So well deserved!
    And wow, wow, wow on that mini! How stunning! I bet your daughter absolutely adores this. :)

  5. Congrats on being top 3 at Kraft Journal.
    What a FABULOUS mini album, love your attention to details, pretty details!!!!

  6. You created a gorgeous and precious keepsake for your daughter and I know for sure she will cherish it. Lovely photos, gorgeous embellishments and you have a perfect eye for details. And a wonderful style. Love it!

  7. It is beyond spectacular~~ An amazing keepsake for your daughter with the fabulous embellies and pics, Something to treasure in the years to come :)


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